Your Political Playlist

Bonus: Cecile Richards on inspiring women

Episode Summary

This Women's History Month, we're thinking about the past, present, and future of women’s political power. Back in December, Emily sat down with Cecile Richards on stage at the Aspen Institute where she discussed the women who inspire her, the goals of Supermajority, and what President Obama said in his phone call to her after passing the Affordable Care Act.

Episode Notes

Your Primary Playlist is your definitive guide to the 2020 presidential primary, explained by the women who know it best. Every week join Host Emily Tisch Sussman, a veteran of political campaigns and issue advocacy, to talk issue by issue, candidate by candidate for a comprehensive primer on what you need to know to feel informed and ready to cast your ballot. Emily and guests will also grant behind-the-scenes access to the activism, movements, people, and research driving the conversation.

Your Primary Playlist is produced by Wonder Media Network.